About Us


The United Church of Egham is a local ecumenical partnership of two mainstream Christian denominations – the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church.

It is a place where everyone is welcome and can feel at home. Newcomers do not need to bring a fully found faith in God. Indeed, the doubts or questions of people feeling their way towards faith are welcomed.

Jesus was concerned about people and how they lived with their families and their neighbours. He challenged people to make an impact on their communities and on wider society.

Following his example, we too look for ways of expressing that Christian love in action. You will see in our online newsletter,  and on our external noticeboards, the community activities of the church. We are also engaged with national and international organisations and campaigns. We strongly believe that the church exists to be a good neighbour to people in need and to challenge injustice, wherever it is found.

And of course, here you can find a greater awareness of God`s presence, celebrate His love for you and grow in self-discovery and fulfilment.


The Rev. Andrew Reed, who is Methodist Circuit Superintendant, has responsibility for our Church, St Jude’s United Church in Englefield Green and is also a trustee of the Village Centre, Englefield Green.

At the United Church of Egham, he is supported by church leaders (Deacons), who are elected by our members, and this democratic style is reflected in the way we operate and manage our Church.


Our church has close links with the other Christian denominations. We share with them a common belief in God as creator and sustainer of all life. We believe in Jesus Christ, His Son, who by His death and resurrection, offers us new life through the forgiveness of sin.

Within the local community, we meet regularly with representatives of all the other churches and strive to work together in expressing our faith amongst the people and in the neighbourhoods in which we live.


Our church actively supports local and national charities, including Christian Aid and Action for Children (formerly NCH), and responds enthusiastically to any international appeals following disasters.


Services are normally led by our Minister and/or a group of local ministers/lay preachers who all offer a different style of worship, to cater for everyone’s needs.

Holy Communion is celebrated regularly (see the church newsletter  for dates) and all who love the Lord Jesus Christ are welcome to share the bread and wine with us.


A warm welcome always awaits you. As we worship and learn about God and share the Good News of Jesus Christ, we hope that you will feel “at home” with us.


The United Church of Egham affirms that all ministries shall be open to both men and women. The church behaves as an equal opportunity organisation and will not discriminate on grounds of race, gender or disability.

We strive to play our part within the wider community by sharing resources with others and expressing our concern for the world.


Pastoral Care is the responsibility of everyone in the church and elected church leaders ensure that nobody in need is forgotten or overlooked.

Prayers are offered for those in need (there are prayer request forms in the church vestibule)

For those unable to attend church, Holy Communion at home can be arranged through our Minister who is happy to respond to any request to visit.

The church has rebuilt its Pastoral Centre (the Church Hall) at the rear of the premises to provide modern facilities that can be booked by local groups and organisations.